variety of factors kept me from exercising yesterday (@-work from 7 to 7). up super early today to make sure I do it.

plan is to stretch, do arms and calisthenics in am, then meet my wife for palates class tonight.

hoping a double today makes up for missing yesterday.

contacted doctor to make an appointment for chronic cramp in my trapizius, like a constant golf ball in the muscle and our huuuuurts. any guidance appreciated.

63,5 kg Bisher verloren: 3,2 kg.    Still to go: 0 kg.    Diät befolgt: Recht gut.

Diätkalender ansehen, 12 Juli 2018:
1773 kcal Fett: 39,91g | Eiw: 149,78g | Kohlh: 153,32g.   Frühstück: Kroger CARBmaster Vanilla Milk, Kroger CARBmaster Strawberry Yogurt, Kellogg's Special K Protein Plus Cereal. Mittagessen: Carrot and Ginger Soup, Green Giant Steamed Mixed Vegetables (Frozen), Roasted Broiled or Baked Chicken Breast. Abendessen: McAlister's Deli Deli Corned Beef on Wheat Sandwich, Pampered Chef Italian Meatball Soup, Olive Garden Garden-Fresh Salad with Low-Fat Dressing. Snacks/Sonstiges: Beer. mehr...
2300 kcal Bewegung: Pilates - 1 Stunde, Krafttraining (Mäßig) - 40 Minuten, Ruhen - 13 Stunden und 10 Minuten, Gehen (Mäßig) - 5 Km/h - 2 Stunden, Schlafen - 7 Stunden, Gymnastik (Schwierig, z.B. Liegestütze) - 10 Minuten. mehr...
Verlust von 3,2 kg pro Woche


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